Introducing Abby Masi
Interior Designer & Educator
My Story
I sketched my first floor plan when I was in elementary school and wanted to rearrange my bedroom just for fun. A few years later, I painted pink stripes on three walls and the Green Monster on another wall, complete with foam circles glued onto the walls to represent the balls and strikes. Every change I made in my room was addicting - how many different times could I reinvent a 10’ x 12’ room!? - and I felt invigorated after every redesign. After years of scratching the floors and ruining the walls in my bedroom (and loving every minute of it), I knew some kind of design was in the cards for me. I went to college for Architecture and Interior Architecture, fell in love with studying and practicing in the built environment, and the rest is history.
I am now a designer who is continuously fascinated with the world of design and where it can take me. Thank you for visiting my site and seeing the different projects I've worked on and all the great people I have collaborated with.